
1.           Terms of use
Use of: https://infusinghsunshine.blogspot.com/   Infusing Sunshine
This policy is valid from 12 April, 2019
Infusing Sunshine is Personal Blog in the pursuit of enhancing what is, promoting self-love, seizing the day while Infusing Sunshine into every waking moment of life and making memories filled with loveliness.
The reading of all information Infusing Sunshine is of your own free will. The use and relevance of any information contained on this website is solely at your own risk. If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions, you should cease use of this website immediately. If you however wish to read blog posts based on self-care, kitchen magic, do it yourself tutorials and beauty, then stick around.
I reserve the right to change any of these Terms and Conditions at any given time on this website. As this is my personal blog, this blog will change according to my experiences, mood well according to me, so please return regularly to note changes.
Even though I make every effort to provide you with up-to-date information (through thorough research and drinking coffee while re-writing already published articles), I make no representations or warranties of any kind (expressed or implied) about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability of any information, products, services or related graphics contained on Infusing Sunshine for any purpose.
I make no representations or warranties of any kind (expressed or implied), nor endorse, guarantee or assume responsibility about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability of any information, which includes current availability of ingredients in relation to the recipes I share, the availability of the required material  for my DIY tutorials, beauty products, prices, current quality, addresses, opening hours, phone numbers and website addresses, it would be best to be certain and double check.
Infusing Sunshine will aim to provide you with accurate information at the time of publishing, however some information will understandably and unfortunately be less accurate as time passes as trends change and new developments discovered. Should you find any inaccurate information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will drop everything, edit and redraft as best as I can … or as soon as I finished my episode of Gossip Girl, I can’t ignore my teenage role models.
2.           Copyright Policy
Unless otherwise stated, Infusing Sunshine is the owner of all material posted (written, images, multimedia and graphics) on this website and it may not be used, redistributed, reprinted, (partially) modified or published without my written consent. A link to my website Infusing Sunshine https://infusinghsunshine.blogspot.com/ will be required to appear in all copies of any content produced by myself, including articles, journal entries, life experience blog posts, to do lists and any of my mother’s recipes I may have shared on the blog and icing on cakes.
Any guest bloggers, writers , authors and other contributors to Infusing Sunshine will be deemed responsible for their own submitted material on my website https://infusinghsunshine.blogspot.com/. I do not assume responsibility, for the accuracy or reliability of information offered by a Third Party the opinions expressed by any other bloggers authors, guest writers or Third Parties or Third Party websites linked through the site or any website or featured link in any banner of other websites their information is their own and do not in any way represent the position or believe of Infusing Sunshine  https://infusinghsunshine.blogspot.com/. 
I will not be responsible for any narrow minded, impolite or offensive comments by others on my blog, my apologies in advance. I reserve the right to remove any and all comments which do not adhere to this policy or is deemed offensive by myself once they come to my attention.
3.           Liability
All the information provided on https://infusinghsunshine.blogspot.com/ is for general information and purely for entertainment purposes only and is the expressed opinion of (‘Infusing Sunshine‘) and not others, unless otherwise stated. This includes (but not limited to) my membership organizations, employment, field of study, life experiences. Please be aware that some articles can be a bit different to what you might be used to.
I am not providing any medical, legal, professional, psychological, gynecological, astrological, paleontological, philosophical, bacteriological, mineralogical, criminological or dermatological advice. You are taking all the provided information at your own risk. Please contact your local hospital, attorney, emergency service, relevant association, phone book, Google or your mum to find or obtain a referral to a competent professional. Accordingly, before taking any action based on such information, I encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals.
Under no circumstances will I be liable for any loss or damage (including without limitation indirect or consequential loss or damage) or any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the site whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of or in connection with the use of this website.
I cannot be held responsible for any offence taken due to translation, interpretation of the content I produce, articles written, sharing my life experiences, or mistakes in grammar. The content I produce refer to people in general, general occurrences in life, and experienced by people in general daily lives, and according to requests made by my lovely blog audience. I make no reference to any specific party, no particular person, group of persons, organizations nor any business, unless specifically stated otherwise, for example “blog post in dedication to my pet rabbit, June.”
There may be instances when Infusing Sunshine site, https://infusinghsunshine.blogspot.com/ may be temporarily or permanently suspended and without notice at my own discretion, due to possible updates or technical issues beyond my control, such as my puppy thinking my keypad is an ideal chew toy.  I will not be liable if for any reason the website is unavailable at any time or for any period of time. I will try to get the website back online as soon as possible, or as soon as my puppy decides to take a nap.
4.           Privacy Statement
Any personal and/or contact information provided to me will be kept private. You will not be spammed in any way, I will not send you any Birthday and/or Christmas cards (unless you request me too and I really like you) and I will not sell or disclose your information to any other companies. I use Mailchimp to collect my subscriber’s email addresses , so please do not hesitate to visit their website and privacy policy here https://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/.
I am not responsible for the privacy practices of any of my advertisers or blog commenters.
5.           Reserve Rights
Infusing Sunshine, reserves the right to change the focus of the blog (like turning it into a platform for purely based on self-love which I might do so in the future), to close down, sell it, change the terms of use (go to a paid platform) at my own discretion.
I also reserve the rights to edit or delete any comments submitted to https://infusinghsunshine.blogspot.com/ without notice due to: comments deemed to be spam or questionable spam, comments including profanity, comments containing language or concepts that could be deemed offensive, comments that attack  and be deemed offensive to the owner of Infusing Sunshine, any particular person a group or person individually. I do accept gif flowers and hugs.
6.           Advertisers and Sponsors
I am not responsible for the actions of my advertisers or sponsors. If you purchase a product or service based upon a link from my website, you must take action with that company to resolve any issues, not Infusing Sunshine.
Any product, claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. Just because I like filter coffee (usually with a dash of vanilla and a dollop of fresh cream), doesn’t have to mean you will like it too!
To encourage the growth of the website, to cover costs of running and maintenance of the site, some advertising and affiliate links are run on my website. I may receive commission if the affiliate link is clicked and a product is purchased. While clicking these links will not cost you any extra money, it will help keep the website up and running. All reviews on my website will be presented honestly and I will disclose whether I will be receiving any commissions or products for free.
7.           Feedback to the Editor
Any feedback, messages, letters, e-mails, blog comments, responses on any Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Bloglovin and Twitter, or questions written directly to me may be used to share with my blogging audience unless specifically requested otherwise. Part of these letters or emails, questions or any other feedback may be used in newsletters, blog posts, columns or up-and-coming books 
Thank you so much for visiting my website and I hope you start infusing sunshine into your daily life.
Infusing Sunshine

Visit our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions 
This disclaimer was inspired and used and amended with the consent of Nienke Krook of https://www.thetraveltester.com/.
