Note to Self : Hope
Hope, hope is the fuel on which your soul survives. Hope
beams through your darkest moments, constantly shedding light when you fail to
lift the veil of doubt. As there is salt in the sea, the sun in the sky and blood
pulsing through your veins, hope will always flow fluently and naturally from
your heart.
Hope: the general dictionary definition is the desire or the
expectation something will happen and naturally, you would hope for something
wonderful to materialize.
Hope is what you hold on to, like the rainbow we look forward
to after going through the ghastly thunderstorms of life. We hope that just as
the rainbow is formed with thousands of little droplets of water which sparkle
ever so proudly with the encouragement of the sun, our lives too will be
illuminated with countless moments of bliss.
The wheel of time always turns and the scales of life will
always try to find a balance between the good and the bad times. We may be
greeted by many unpleasant, distressing days, moments, months, or years which
leave a dreadful aftertaste with us, but we will equally be pleased with the
meeting of sweet moments of life enveloped in happiness and laughter. The tender moments will be worth the terrible
nightmares. The good will outweigh the bad.
A pure example of the struggle for joy is a mother who has to endure the birth of her baby to be blessed with lifelong moments of joy with her child, or a student exhausted with researching, reading, and continuous all-nighters to eventually achieve a pass with outstanding marks.
There will always be times filled with overflowing happiness as well as unbearable struggles in life, if there isn’t, then you simply aren’t living.
There is hope everywhere.
The night feeds us with hope as it lights up the sky with dancing stars and the cool moon reminding us that the light from the night is a mere sample of the golden rays from the sun which awaits us in the distance called tomorrow.
It is tough to say, but things don’t always work out. The plan you have diligently worked on from as long as you can remember might not go according to the exact detail of what you may have pictured for yourself and that is okay.
Marilyn Monroe once said “Sometimes good things fall apart
so better things can fall together.”
In my opinion, I also believe that sometimes the association with some
individuals and certain periods of your life which is not worthy nor meant for you will eventually remain behind as you push forward.
If you are unable to obtain the job you were working towards, there is a better opening waiting for you elsewhere. If you didn’t end up with the person you thought you were going to live the rest of your life with, that’s because thankfully, your future partner is out there trying to find you to sweep you off your feet.
If nothing seems to be going your way these days, then maybe you need a break and you need to step back to focus on yourself, to recharge your batteries and replenish your energy to start again.
If you are trying to recover from a dreadful phase in life and trying your best to dust off any reminder left from your fall to the ground, then you need to allow yourself to heal.
Look inwards.
Focus on the most
important person in your life.
The person that put you together when the world
thought it would be fun to tear you apart.
The person that always had your best interests at heart and would always choose you no matter the options - YOU.
The person that always had your best interests at heart and would always choose you no matter the options - YOU.
Don’t feel selfish about giving in to yourself and just give yourself the time to learn to appreciate and love yourself. You owe yourself that much if not more.
I hope that in your process of healing and letting go of the past, you make discoveries that you can’t afford to forget.
I hope you learn that leaving everything in the past is the best thing you could ever do. By no longer attaching value to what bound you is the freedom your heart was always beating for.
I hope that when you are ready to start your new adventure of the life you start off with a blank canvas, entirely up to you to paint with all the colors of your journeys and wonderful moments ahead.
I hope as you tend to the terrible wounds of the past you learn that you did not deserve the slightest scratch but was strong enough to handle it.
I hope you learn that you are always entitled to feel how you feel at any given moment be it good or bad and no one has the right to make you feel nor tell you otherwise.
I hope you learn the importance of not allowing any other person to take your presence for granted.
I hope you won't dumb yourself down to make others feel comfortable.
Please don’t dilute the essence of what you are to conform to what
the world around you wants.
I honestly hope you discover that there is far more to life
than spending it away trying to settle and please a crowd of people which
doesn’t value your kindness nor your time.
I hope you learn when to make the extra effort when the
extra effort isn’t deserved and can hopefully come to terms with the fact that the
extra effort isn’t helping you, it won’t change anything nor will it change
Why not dedicate your extra time and love to yourself, the one-person worth submerging all your devoted efforts in?
Why not dedicate your extra time and love to yourself, the one-person worth submerging all your devoted efforts in?
I hope you fight for what you now know and will learn, you truly deserve.
I hope you grow, learn more about every element, every trait, which makes you, you, and accept yourself on any given day with arms wide open.
I hope you learn it is important to respect but not
unnecessarily fear another individual for no human being is bigger than God. We
are all here fighting our own battles with our only competition being the person
we were yesterday.
I hope you learn that your experience was another means of teaching you how you should not behave and how important it is to maintain grace and goodness even if it is not deserved.
I hope you learn it’s not okay to live in fear of what you say nor what you do because it may result in an outburst from another. You are incharge of your actions and yours alone, not others.
I hope you understand that you are entitled to your own opinions, dreams, and wishes and should make every effort to fulfill all you have always hoped to achieve from the first dream you dreamt. Don’t ever downgrade your dreams, lower your worth, or diminish your voice. Expand your horizons, give more, always be gracious, and expect only the best for yourself.
I hope you learn you should never be in a position of begging to the point of kneeling and groveling to ensure that there is peace in your life or harmony in your home.
I hope you learn to maintain who you are and never turn into the bitterness of what tried to damage you.
You deserve to give your pleasant moods, affection, and your treasured warm moments to the one person who has always had your back from day one, to you! Always be ready to go into combat for yourself and remember you deserve the respect you ever so freely give to the world around you.
I hope you learn not to allow a few days, moments or months
of terror to destroy your life ahead.
I hope you learn when to identify a dying flower, draw the line and cut your losses.
I hope you learn to accept and let go of the insignificant past and make peace and liberate yourself from the heaviness of the trauma you carry in your heart which you allow to haunt your thoughts.
I hope you understand that if you were in a position where your time or if even your possessions were stolen, altered or damaged, deem the theft and the loss as leaving bad luck behind you, and look forward to attaining much better than any of what you possessed before.
I hope you never give your power to any other situation or individual.
I hope you realize that walking away was the best decision of your life, so please don’t think otherwise.
I hope you never allow your softness to be seen as your weakness and to be taken advantage of but to rather be seen as unshakable strength that only the unkind will fight to breakdown.
I hope you learn the art of repelling every harsh word that rolls of their tongue with every beat of your lovely heart.
I hope you learn that you are the number. 1 in your life before anything and anyone else.
I hope you learn that self-care is not selfish and should, in fact, be your default system of respecting and restoring yourself at any given time.
I hope you learn how to protect your exquisite self from any dangers that seek to destroy you and the elements of your personality which make you, you.
I hope you learn how brilliantly amazing you already are and
how fiercely capable you are of becoming all that you have always wished to
be. Most importantly I hope you believe in your heart of hearts, that
you are worth the priceless value of the shining stars and the glowing moon and deserve so much
I hope you know and believe that you will find the joys and
loveliness which is awaiting you in your days ahead. You need to have faith,
believe better days are coming.
Thank God for gifting you with the past experiences and a key to reveal your true form and helping you to build yourself up to face the true and raw nature of the world.
I urge you to laugh in the face of adversity for its presence is a temporary visit and your strength is your constant companion.

Thank God for gifting you with the past experiences and a key to reveal your true form and helping you to build yourself up to face the true and raw nature of the world.
I urge you to laugh in the face of adversity for its presence is a temporary visit and your strength is your constant companion.

I hope you find solace in learning to fall in love with
yourself every step of the way as you heal and relish in the joy of choosing
Choosing yourself is a step forward in protecting yourself
from future harm, pouring love from your own healing heart and respecting the one person that truly deserves all you have to offer and that is you.
Your future is pregnant with an abundance of happiness, with an immeasurable abundance of happiness, don’t think otherwise.
You have done beautifully thus far, don’t give up now!
This article is very helpful for me… Thank you
ReplyDeleteIt is my Pleasure. I am so glad I could help you ❤